What do you want?

Love and Anger having some coffee kitchen

Love: Do you know that you are beautiful?

Anger: Well, hello! What do you want now?

Love: Nothing! I’m just giving you a compliment because it’s true.

Anger: Or did you do something wrong?

Love: I can never do anything right in your eyes! I’m paying you a compliment because I think you beautiful and you my wife. I don’t need a reason to be nice, you should try it some time.

Anger: Why you getting so upset? I was just asking what’s going on?

Love: I love you. That’s what’s going on… Was gonna take you out for dinner but never mind!

Anger: I’m sorry! Didn’t mean to get you so worked up babe.

Love: Aaaah!!! I was so happy right now and so you had to kill the mood. Still think you beautiful though.

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